Hartley Wood Solar Farm

Hartley Wood received planning consent in August 2022

We are delighted to announce that the proposals for Hartley Wood Solar Farm receieved planning consent from Tendring District Council in August 2022.

We will continue to engage with the local community in the lead up to the start of construction to ensure the voices of the community remain heard.

Local Authority: Tendring District Council

Where is the proposed Hartley Wood Solar Farm?

The project is situated on land north of Hartley Wood , Weeley Heath, Essex, CO16 9BL. The site consists of approximately 74 acres (30Ha) across several fields which are currently used for arable farming.

In addition to having solar panels on the site, the proposals also include biodiversity and landscape enhancement measures, such as new hedgerow planting and gapping up of existing hedgerows to ensure there are minimal visual and environmental impacts.  Sheep may also be grazed underneath the solar panels once operational.

Introducing Hartley Wood Solar Farm

The solar farm will be located on land north of Hartley Wood. The planning application can be accessed on Tendring District Council’s planning portal with the following reference: 22/00518/FUL.

The solar farm will have an approximate capacity of 22.5 MW. The proposed development will create enough renewable energy to meet the annual electricity needs of approximately 4,720 homes. It will also offset approximately 4,102 tonnes of CO2 each year, the equivalent to taking around 1,000 cars off the road each year.


Founded in 2009, the Bluefield Group builds, manages and operates solar and other renewable energy projects on behalf of its clients. It currently operates over 100 solar farms in the UK with an aggregate capacity of over 750 MWp. As both a developer and operator of renewable energy projects, Bluefield seeks to build long-term relationships with landowners and the local community. We aim to deliver high quality projects that generate significant renewable energy, have low visual impact and enhance biodiversity and land management.

As both a developer and operator of renewable energy projects, Bluefield seeks to build long-term relationships with landowners and the local community. We aim to deliver high quality projects that generate significant renewable energy, have low visual impact and enhance biodiversity and land management.

For more information on Bluefield Development please visit our website.

The benefits

  • It will assist Tendring District Council in reducing greenhouse gas emissions in line with national targets.

  • The development will contribute towards the security of energy supply in Tendring through the provision of local, renewable energy supply.

  • New hedgerow planting is proposed to contain and screen the solar farm from its surroundings.

  • This is a temporary development, allowing the land to rest for the period of operation.

  • The solar farm will have a significant positive net biodiversity impact. Ecological enhancements being considered include strengthening of existing hedgerows, planting for wildflower and wild bird seeds together with breeding boxes for bats and birds.

  • Careful consideration has been given to the development to avoid affects on landscape, heritage or ecological designations.

  • The proposed solar farm will not require Government subsidy.

Public Consultation


Public Consultation Event

On Thursday 9 September 2021 from 14.00-19.00 we held a public consultation event at Saint Charles Hall, Holland Road, Clacton-on-Sea, Essex, CO15 6EG.

Tell us what you think

Please complete the feedback form you received in the post, or fill in this online questionnaire.

Project Timeline


September 2021

Pre submission consultation and finalise design

April 2022

Submit planning application

August 2022

Planning decision




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